CEO of Keep Your Cash Leasing Corp.is an innovative forward thinking executive. Scott has over 33 years in financial services under his belt.
Contact Scott at (800) 417-7772 scohen@keepyourcashleasing.com

Scott Cohen

CEO of Keep Your Cash Leasing Corp. has been owning and operating small to mid sized financial services companies for over 33 years, and growing them to mid sized and national prominence.

Scott has designed Private Securities in the Life Settlement arena, credit enhancements to increase quality of core investments, and was one of the pioneers in the offering of “Alt-A” mortgages in the US.  With his vast experience of working in the Finance Company Industry, Scott’s experience with leasing equipment to businesses in the western states, has gained him inside knowledge of it what takes for a company to increase it’s cash flow, and sustain a vertical integration methodology, leading to a successful business.

Scott Cohen and Micaiah Robnett have formed Keep Your Cash Leasing Corp. with investor based funding sources as a “daisy chain” way of recycling wealth in US businesses. By investing in environmentaly responsible US companies success, we create a sustainable culture, all while subscribing to a “Responsible Capitalism” philosophy.